But some operations ( including subtraction and division) care about order, so the symmetrical foldRight() method exists to handle those cases. 但是有一些运算(包括减法和除法)比较关注顺序,所以此对称的foldRight()方法专用于处理那些情况。
The two particular highlights of this event were: First, Liangxiang Division established a mechanism in order, making the scene in an orderly manner. 特别值得注意的是,此次活动有两大亮点:一是良乡分部建立了排号机制,使得现场秩序井然。
Teamwork: The division of labor between the spirit in order to play the overall competitive strength. 团队合作:以分工合作精神,以发挥整体竞争力量。
With the sun and the moon, that made seven imposing celestial bodies that would serve as the inspiration for the next basic division of the natural order, the seven-day week. 它们和太阳、月亮一起,形成了天空最美丽的七座天体,也是第二则自然规律的形成基础:七天为一星期。
1 in this chapter we offer arguments for the aforesaid fourfold division of order and for the interrelations that exist between essentially ordered terms. 这一章中,我们将为秩序的上述四分法和被本质性规定的术语间的相互关系提供证明。
Traditional bureaucracy is a shackle of sharing knowledge because of excess division, centralization, order and grading. 传统的科层制因过分强调分工、集权、秩序和等级正成为知识共享的桎梏。
These de-fects should be overcome under principles of efficiency prior to fair and principles of power division and restriction in order to perfect the corporate administration structure. 这些缺陷应在坚持效率优先、利益兼顾,权力分立与权力制衡的原则下,得到有效的克服,从而使我国公司治理结构制度完善起来。
The curve fitting is made for the experience subjection function, on the basis of flood period division, in order to provide theory support for flood limit level; 在汛期分期的基础上,对经验隶属函数进行曲线拟合得到理论隶属度,其为防洪限制水位线提供理论支持;
From the view of theory, the perpendicular division system is an ideal and helpful professional division system to regulating the markets order. 从理论上来说,垂直分工体系的确是一种理想的、有助于规范市场秩序的专业化分工体系。
After defining the region, this paper expounds the regional economy development theory, regional industrial structure theory, regional division theory and regional cooperation theory in order to provide the powerful theoretical foundation for the realistic problems of the regional economy. 在对区域界定之后,阐述了区域经济发展理论、区域产业结构理论、区域分工理论与区域合作理论,目的是为区域经济的现实问题研究提供有力的理论依据。
This paper brings forward the analyzable model of division of labor and order. 构建了分工与秩序的分析模型;
It is proved that A is a group division order primitive ring with extremely small division order right ideal if and only if A is a group division order dense linear transform ring with finite rank linear transform. 证明了A为含有极小右理想的群分次本原环的充要条件是A为含有有限秩线性变换的群分次稠密线性变换环。
According to the state and traits of the urbanization, the administrative jurisdiction has been marching a series of reform of the adaptability to put the relationship between the urbanization and the administrative division in good order. 为了理顺行政区划与城市化的关系,根据我国目前城市化与行政区划的状况和特点,行政区划进行了一系列适应性的改革。
On the structure of the group division order primitive ring with extremely small one-sided ideal 含有极小单侧理想的群分次本原环的结构
The paper gives the structure of a kind of division order ring which is between the division order Artin ring and the division order primitive ring, i. e., the structure of the group division order primitive ring with extremely small right ideal. 给出了介于群分次Artin环与群分次本原环之间的一种群分次环,即含有极小右理想的群分农本原环的结构。
The results indicate that wavelet transform is very suitable to the division of cyclic sequences of intermediate order and smaller orders. 划分结果证明小波变换非常适合中期及其以下级别旋回层序的划分。
The Division of ⅳ-Order Volcanic Structure of Mapping in Continental Volcanic Areas in Northern Hebei Province 冀北陆相火山岩区旗图中Ⅳ级火山构造划分的几点认识
On the isomorphism class of the almost Division Rings of order p, p~ 2, p~ 3 关于p、p~2、p~3阶准除环的同构分类
Third chapter according to the different standard, I has made the institution the different division, in order to a clear explicit understanding to the institution. 第三章按照不同的标准,将制度作出了不同的划分,以便对制度有一个清晰明确的认识。
The main level is divided into areas and reasonable division of the network, in order to make the best sensor for sensing nodes within the same level to achieve that energy consumption is minimized. 划分层次的主要是对网络区域进行合理的划分,使得传感器的传感效果最佳的同时层次内的节点实现能量消耗的最小化。
Under the influence of international division of labor, in order to fully take advantage of cheap labor in developing countries, developed countries continued to transfer labor-intensive industries to developing countries. 受国际分工的影响,发达国家为了利用廉价的生产要素,将产业链的最低端转移到发展中国家。
Drive development of urban system and realizing city circle integration; strict regional functions division in order to strengthen the coordination and cooperation between many regions; further shift of government functions and establish the regional coordinated development organizations. 带动城镇体系发育,实现城市圈一体化;严格区域职能分工,加强区域间的协调与合作;进一步转变政府职能,建立区域协调发展组织机构。
In this paper, building a harmonious society under the conditions put forward several measures against the political division in order to give the building a harmonious society in China has brought some positive meaning. 本文就在构建和谐社会的条件下,提出反对政治分裂的几点措施,以期能给我国和谐社会建设带来一些积极的意义。
Studying the radio frequency anti-collision algorithm, focusing on anti-collision algorithms based on time division multiple access methods in order to do a brief analysis, and studying bit-detection method based on the binary tree algorithm. 4. 对射频防碰撞算法进行研究,并注重对基于时分多址法的防碰撞算法依次做了简要的分析,并研究了基于二进制树算法的位检测方法。
Prior to the division of functional areas, in order to ensure the authenticity of data and results, first of all on the map data, there is a conflict in the data lack the necessary information to conduct pre-processing field. 在功能区划分之前,为了保证数据和结果的真实性,首先对地图数据中存在冲突、数据中缺少必要字段信息的情况进行预处理。
The realization of the right to cross between the Government of the division of the legal system in order to achieve cross-division of powers law, clearly the duties of governments at all levels to promote intergovernmental fiscal relations, coordination of operation. 实现政府间交叉权划分的法制化,这样才能做到交叉事权的划分有法可依,明确各级政府的职责、促进政府间财政关系的协调运转。
Archives occupation is an integral part of the social division. In order to meet the needs of the community and individuals, Archives occupation play an important role. 档案职业作为社会职业构成中的组成部分,是在社会劳动分工基础上,以满足一定个体和社会需要为目的而形成的、具有特定技能要求的社会劳动形态之一。
Strive to find a management system, which is better for the division of responsibilities, in order to achieve effective management of the Government. 力求寻找一种更有利于权责划分清晰的管理体制,以实现政府的有效管理。
Third, this paper researches the status quo about the scope of division in order to lay the foundation for the next adjustment. 第三,对我国目前中央与地方财权、事权关系范围划分的现状进行分析,为下一步调整奠定基础。
Each township clustering results are classified according to the distribution of index, combining the pattern of increase or decrease hook, to partition urban and rural construction land increase or decrease hook in Qianwei county, and in the division of rural residents in classified order way. 将各乡镇按照分配的指标结果进行聚类分类,再结合增减挂钩的模式,对犍为县城乡建设用地增减挂钩进行分区,并在分区中对农村居民地整理方式进行分类。